ECSE Postgraduate Research scholars raise funds for China's earthquake victims.
More volunteers are needed..
As mentioned in previous email regarding 'China Earthquake
Fund-raiser', we have received an excellent response from the students
and staffs in Clayton campus.
We are now looking for more volunteers in Clayton campus and also Caufield campus.
The details are as follow:
In response to the recent Sichuan earthquake in China, a fund-raising
event will take place all of this week in the campus center. We are
calling for everyone to donate what they can to help those affected.
What: Fund-raising for the China Sichuan Earthquake relief effort
Where: Clayton Campus Centre and Caufield campus
When: May 19 - 23 (Monday - Friday) 12 - 2PM
Volunteers on foot will also be taking collections from around the Campus
We are authorized by the Australian Red Cross.
All funds collected will be donated in full to the Red Cross to:
- Support the relief and recovery needs of individuals
and communities affected by the earthquake, including urgent needs of
shelter through the provision of tents and quilts, clean water, food
parcels, medical supplies and hygiene kits
- Send specialist aid workers to assist in the Red Cross response
- Assist Red Cross in China in preparing and responding to this disaster
- and to help provide the ongoing support required to rebuild the communities.
Receipts for all donations are available upon request and all donations
above $2 are tax deductible.
For further inquiries, please contact Iris Yan: