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Smart Electrical Engineering - Electrical Power, Power Electronics and systemsThe
Centre for Power Transformer Monitoring, Diagnostics and
Life Management (CPTM) has been recently formed to conduct
research and development of new technologies, computer algorithms and
equipment for monitoring, diagnostics and life management of power
transformers. The Power Electronics Group is involved in the theoretical development and practical application of power electronic converters, PWM theory, grid connected inverter systems, and unusual converter systems for custom applications. The group has substantial links with industry and provides a custom design and development service for innovative commercial applications. Research projects are carried out in:
FacilitiesPower Electronics and Drives Laboratory Centre for Power
Transformer Monitoring, Diagnostics
and Life Management
The Centre
Power Transformer
Monitoring, Diagnostics and Life Management (CPTM) has been
established under
the Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) initiative of the
Government of
Victoria. The
Centre is funded by the
State Government and a consortium that initially consisted of Monash
and 12 power industry companies. The
of the STI Program is three years; the commencement date is 1 July 2005. The initial total cost of
the STI Program
was $3.61m, in which the funding from the STI was $1,59m. Since then, the total cost
of the STI Program
has increased to $4.4m, thanks to additional contributions from the
participants and new Sponsorships – currently there are 15
industrial companies
in the consortium. The primary objectives of the Centre are to develop new technologies, computer algorithms and equipment for monitoring, diagnostics and life management of power transformers. Other activities of the Centre include studies into vegetable oil for power transformers, winding looseness detection, thermal and moisture modelling of transformers, and providing training and consulting services to the industry. CPTM
Facilities The Centre comprises the two existing laboratories: EPRI Research Laboratory and Power Transformer Monitoring & Diagnostics Research Laboratory, and the new Transformer Testing Facility (currently under construction), fully integrated. EPRI Research Laboratory The EPRI Research Laboratory supports research investigations into the effects of moisture and gas dynamics on the performance of oil-paper insulation systems of large power transformers. Sophisticated test rigs are available to precisely simulate conditions existing in real transformers, so that new means to monitor these conditions in the field can then be developed. Power Transformer Monitoring &
Diagnostics Research Laboratory The Power Transformer Monitoring & Diagnostics Research Laboratory facilitates research and development of new monitoring and diagnostics techniques for on-line and off-line applications, experimental studies into aging mechanisms of power transformer insulation systems, and physical and chemical analytical tests of oil and insulation samples. These samples are obtained from the Monash test rigs, received from old and new transformers operating in the power utilities of North America, Europe, South Africa and Australia, and also received from new transformers manufactured at the local factory. Transformer Testing Facility The new Transformer Testing Facility will be opened on 6 October 2006. The facility will feature a special test transformer with a dedicated control and monitoring system, means for testing and assessment of industrial on-line an off-line monitoring and diagnostic techniques, and means for testing and assessment of industrial on-line transformer oil and insulation processing technologies.
Smart electrical engineering and electronics, industrial electronics, industrial computer systems, power electronic drives and systems, variable speed motor drives, electrical converters, wind energy systems, manages PEG. | |
High voltage engineering, power systems analysis | |
Dr. Brendan P. McGrath | Power electronics, inverters, converters, motor control |
Professor Peter Wallace | Power systems analysis, system dynamics |
Valery Davydov | Power Transformer Monitoring and Diagnostics. See CPTM for more details |
Current research projects may be found on the web sites for the CPTM and the Power Electronics Group(PEG).