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Intelligent Robotics

  Intelligent Robotics is involved in a number of related research projects concerning sensor, computational and mechatronic support for controlling both robotic manipulators and automated guided vehicles (mobile robots). These projects cover such topics as:

  • computer animated robot simulation
  • navigational algorithms and instrumentation
  • multiple camera colour vision
  • eye-in-hand vision
  • optical ranging devices
  • ultrasonic localisation and environmental mapping
  • robotic touch sensing
  • navigational markers for mobile robots
  • dextrous robot manipulators
  • virtual reality in an intelligent robotic context
  • indoor and outdoor autonomous mobile robot navigation
  • regularisation algorithms for computer vision
  • object recognition systems
  • artificial neural networks
  • swarm robotics
An example of how intelligent robotics relates to the real world and may affect you is the ARC funded Linkage Project that Associate Professor Andy Russell  received to help the elderly in June 2010:
The ARC Linkage Project will improve the quality of life of our aging population by extending the time that they can live independently and safely in their own homes. There will be additional benefits involving reducing the demands on carers and on society in general. The wellbeing of people in need of enhanced levels of care will be monitored by non-intrusive sensor systems. Data from the sensor systems will be analysed using user models grounded in psychological studies to provide timely warnings of when intervention is desirable.

A wide range of computer and robotic hardware is established in the centre including Silicon Graphic workstations, Puma robot manipulators and Robuter and Denning mobile robots. A pair of dedicated milling machines is used to manufacture unique components for research robots.


Staff Research Interests

Professor Ray Jarvis

Computer vision, robot navigation, image processing, pattern recognition, artificial intelligence, interactive computer graphics, computer architectures, adaptive control.

Assoc. Prof. Lindsay Kleeman

Ultrasonic sensing, mobile robot localisation and map building, computer vision, digital design and performance.

Assoc. Prof Andrew Russell

Robot sensing, robotic mechanisms, control architectures for mobile systems, microprocessor applications.

Dr. Wai Ho LiReal time computer vision, interactive object learning via robotic manipulation, fast symmetry detection, robust object tracking, robotic system integration


Some prior projects

3D Shape Analysis and Object Recognition

R A Jarvis.

3D Shape Measurement and Comparison

K Ng.

Sonar based map building for a mobile robot

L. Kleeman and Chong K.S.

Adroit robot manipulation through tactile sensing

R A Russell.

Application of AI and optimisation techniques to telecommunications network management and control.

J L Ginger(TRL of AOTC), K P Dabke and Dr L.H. Campbell(TRL of AOTC).

Application of ES and neural networks to HV switchgear condition monitoring and fault diagnosis

L H Chen & P Voumard (Monash, Caulfield) and K P Dabke.

Application of ES to transformer impulse test diagnosis and transformer design.

K P Dabke with Australian industry and Electrical Research and Develo pment Association, Vadodara, India.

Automated Guided Vehicle Navigation in Industrial Environments.

R A Jarvis.

Robotic Swarms

R A Jarvis.

Virtual Reality in an Intelligent Robotics Context

R.A. Jarvis

Outdoor All-terrain Mobile Robot Navigation

R.A. Jarvis

Road Vehicle Driver Assistance

R.A. Jarvis

A Science Museum Mobile Robot

R.A. Jarvis

Classification of Image Features Using Fuzzy Logic

J Bridie & G K Egan.

Computerised breast shape measurement

K Ng with Assoc Prof P E Hartmann, Dept of Biochemistry, Univ of WA.

Development of High Resolution Algorithms for Signal Spectral Estimation

D Klimovski & G K Egan.

Digital Archives for Interactive Multi Media Production

G K Egan & J Smithies (State Film Centre).

Elastic models in computer graphics.

D Suter.

Fast Noncontact 3D Shape Measurement and Applications

K Ng.

High Performance Computational Simulations of the Human Neocortex

B Ramsden (Swinburne) & G K Egan.

Image Processing for Fault Detection in Printed Matter

K Ng & L Kleeman.

Landmark Based Mobile Robot Navigation in Time-Varying Environment

R A Jarvis.

Measurement of Straw Overcover in Newly Ploughed Fields.

K Ng, C W Hui and Dr P Findlater, Dept of Agric., WA.

Microrobotic manipulator

R A Russell.

Noncontact Measurement of Surface Shape of Cornea.

K Ng.

Omnidirectional Range Sensor

R A Jarvis.

Quad Vision Stereopsis.

R A Jarvis.

Recovery and analysis of motion from images.

D Suter.

Recovery of 3-D structure and motion of the heart.

D Suter.

Robot path-finding using short-lived navigational markers.

R A Russell.

Self timed Data Driven Architectures and their Applications

G K Egan & H Terada (Osaka).

Self-timed Digital Logic Design

L Kleeman

Sensor Based Autonomous Robot Navigation

R A Jarvis.

Simultaneous map building and localisation for mobile robots using acoustic and/or optical sensors.

L Kleeman.

Soil Erosion Measurements using Machine Vision

K Ng and Dr P Findlater, Dept of Agric., WA.

The Removal of Parallel Scratch Striations from Photographic Images

L Y Chen & G K Egan.

Ultrasonic array processing for object recognition and tracking.

L. Kleeman.

Virtual Reality in an Intelligent Robotics Context.

R A Jarvis.

Contact-free analysis of tactile images

V. Kakumanu and R.A. Russell.

Electric field based obstacle avoidance

G. Chetty and R.A. Russell

Etherbot - Radio Ethernet Tethered Autonomous Robot

R A Jarvis

Autonomous Navigation of Watercraft

R A Jarvis

Martian Rover Navigation in Very Rough Terrain

R A Jarvis

An Autonomous Shadow Vehicle

R A Jarvis