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ECSE Departmental Research Seminars

Venue: Engineering Building 72, Room 132

Usually held every Wednesday during teaching periods, unless speaker nominates another day (applies to external speakers only)

1:00PM - 1:10PM Refreshment
1:10PM - 1:30PM Presentation
1:30PM - 1:40PM Follow up Discussion

Prof. Arthur Lowery
Departmental Research Seminar Coordinator

Day Date Speaker Title
Wednesday Weekly  Postgraduate students or invited speakers Brief talks about their research, or Confirmation of transfer from Masters to PhD status.

Upcoming Seminar notices

Archive of seminar notices

FridayWeekly Robotics Postgraduate students
For the schedule of upcoming Robotics seminars, please visit:
Intelligent Robotics Research Seminars
Visitor information
A map of the Clayton Campus of Monash University indicates the venue, Building 72, and visitor parking on the top floor of the North carpark, Building 76.

Limited reserved parking spaces are available for visitors attending the seminar. (Requests for parking should be made in advance)