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![]() A/Professor Yi HongIEEE Senior memberIET Fellow Department of Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering Faculty of Engineering Monash University Clayton VIC3800 Email: Yi dot Hong at Monash dot Edu Brief BiographyI am an Associate Professor in the ECSE DEPT at Monash University. I received the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications from University of New South Wales, Sydney, and I also received the NICTA-ACoRN Early Career Researcher award at AUSCTW'07 Adelaide. I served as a member of the Australian Research Council College of Experts (2018-20) and the Director of Graduate Research of the ECSE Department at Monash University (2016-18). I am a Fellow of IET, a Senior Member of IEEE, a member of IEEE Communications Society, IEEE Information Theory Soceity, and IEEE Vehicular Technology Society. I served as the Tutorial Chair of the 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Melbourne, General co-Chair of the 2014 IEEE Information Theory Workshop at Hobart, Tasmania, Technical Program Committee Chair of the 2011 Australian Communication Theory workshop, Melbourne. I am currently the Associate Editor (AE) of IEEE Transactions on Communications (TCOM) and IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking (TGCN), and was the AE of IEEE Wireless Communications Letters (WCL) and Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies (ETT). I lead a group of research students and postdocs working on topics in communications technology, wireless security, and coding techniques for wireless communications and networking as well as SSD storage.News* First book on Delay-Doppler Communications including OTFS theory, Matlab examples, and SDR implementation, AP-Elsevier Publisher.
* Book Review by A. Molisch about our book is here.*Recent Research Updates* I'll deliver a keynote talk entitled ``OTFS and Delay Doppler Communications" in APCC Sydney, Nov. 2023.* The IEEE Comsoc training course entitled ``OTFS and Delay Doppler Communications", with instructor Prof. Viterbo, developers Tharaj and myself, was held Nov.16-17, 2022. * Orthogonal Time Sequency Multiplexing (OTSM) and its simulation package are available (here). * Orthogonal Time Frequency Space (OTFS) and its simulation package are available (here). * I am looking for PhD candidates in coding and modulation and other topics for wireless communications. Candidates with excellent track record are invited to contact me. ProjectsPlease find my projects.Future Wireless Communications Team
Please find my research themes and the team.
Professional Activities
Please find my professional activities.
Relevant backgrounds include advanced communications technologies, channel coding, and information theory with applications to wireless communications, networking, and SSD sotrage. For potential PhD candidates, the relevant information of Monash Scholarship is available at: Applying for a Postgraduate Research Scholarship. You can contact me by email and send your latest resume, academic transcripts, English language certificates and the research of your interest. If you are a holder or candidate of China Scholarship Council (CSC) Award for CSC Doctoral Program, you are invited to contact me. Monash can provide tuition fee remission (TFR) scholarship for successful CSC scholarship recipients. Details are provided at: Monash-CSC PhD Program. and CSC-Monash PhD Scholarship. Final Year ProjectsPlease find below some project topics you may be interested in.1. Coding for SSD storage. 2. Wireless secret communications. 3. Efficient polar coding for data transmission. 4. Coding/decoding for TV broadcasting. 5. Precoding for 5G mm-wave communications. 6. UAV aided wireless communications. |