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Society of Monash Electrical Engineering Alumni (SMEEA) 

SMEEA  website has MOVED to this new location from 1 July 2011

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2011 SMEEA dinner Wednesday evening, 3rd August

- Notice with details and registration form.


Vale Bill Bonwick

Bill Bonwick, respected and admired by generations of students in electrical and computer systems engineering, has died in Melbourne at the age of 78, 17th March 2011.  
Bill Brown has written a brief biography of his life Bill Bonwick.

SMEEA Dinner 2011

SMEEA dinner this year to be on Wednesday evening 3rd August. We thought we'd let you know at this early stage so that you can put it in your diary and reserve that evening.
The main speaker this year will be Ed Cherry who will talk on the subject 'My life in electronics'. Ed has certainly been important in the lives of all of us and this will be a rare opportunity to hear reminiscences about Ed's remarkable achievements.
Full details of the evening will probably not be available until mid June.

SMEEA Dinner 2010 

This will be held on Wednesday 30th June at 7pm in the University Club on the Clayton Campus. 

Full details can be found below. 

The main speaker for the evening will be Peter Seligman who will talk about his part in the development of the bionic ear and about another of his passions, namely sustainable energy projects.

We would like to see as many of our alumni at the dinner as possible. 

Details of the SMEEA Dinner on 30th June 2010 information and registration

Sushim Roy Wins the Lampard Prize for 2009

Dr. Sushim Roy (currently employed by the ECSE department) won the Douglas Lampard Electrical Engineering Research Prize and Medal for 2009 for his PhD thesis entitled ‘Development of a frequency encoded chipless RFID tag’.

May 2009 Alumni Newsletter     (pdf) 

SMEEA Dinner 2009

SMEEA dinner for the 1st of July was held at the usual place, the Club on the Clayton campus.  Full details can be found below.
 The main speaker for the evening was David Morgan who did talk about biophysics in the department over the years, starting with Doug Lampard's arrival at Monash in 1962.  It did prove to be very interesting!

We would like to see as many of our alumni at the dinner as possible. 

Details of the SMEEA Dinner 1st July 2009 information and registration

Vale Dr Pang Khok Khee

Dr Pang Khok Khee, respected and admired by generations of students in electrical and computer systems engineering, has died in Sydney at the age of 67, 9th March 2009.
Bill Brown and Kim Ng have written about the life and death of Dr Pang.

Gathering of the Clayton Oldies - January 2009

Some old stagers (and some not so old) got together in January to reminisce about the early days in the Department.  Peter Hart took some photos to remind us of the occasion.  They are included in a Power Point presentation which you can access here
You will see that Ed and Diana Cherry figure amongst the participants.  Ten days later they were at their home in Marysville when bushfire swept through.  Thankfully they survived and they managed to save their home.

2008 Alumni Newsletter     (pdf)

2007 Alumni Newsletter

Albert Diosi Wins the Lampard Prize for 2006

The Douglas Lampard Electrical Engineering Research Prize and Medal for 2006 was awarded to Albert Diosi for his PhD thesis entitled ‘Laser range finder and advanced sonar based simultaneous localization and mapping for mobile robots’.  The work was carried out under the supervision of Lindsay Kleeman.

Report on 2007 dinner

Death of Fred Symons

We are sad to report the death of Fred Symons, inaugural Professor of Telecommunications and Information Engineering. Peter Gerrand delivered this eulogy at his funeral on 23 Mar 2007.


Monash University enrolled its first students in 1961. The first students in engineering completed their final year in 1964. The Foundation Professor of Electrical Engineering (as the Department was then known) was Douglas Lampard. He retired in 1990 and died in 1994. One of his first PhD students and an academic colleague for many years, Steve Redman, wrote about Doug's life in 1996. The article was published in the Historical Records of Australian Science, vol 11, no 2, 1996 and is reproduced here by permission of the Australian Academy of Science. For those interested in the history of the Department it provides an interesting background.

2006 SMEEA Annual Dinner Report

The SMEEA Annual Dinner and AGM was held on the 5th July and a good time was had by all.
Bill Brown has written a report on the SMEEA dinner including pictures. pdf 120kb or MSWord 1Mb

2006 Alumni Newsletter

2005 Annual Dinner Report

The SMEEA dinner was held on Wed. 29th June.
Bill Brown has written a report on the SMEEA dinner including pictures. MS Word 176kb

SMEEA welcomes alumni from all courses run by the Department of Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering throughout its history including non-clayton campus courses please register your contact details with the University Alumni office Monash Alumni Home.

And send an email to if your email address has changed recently.

One aspect of the department that may be of interest to alumni is the ability to take single subject enrolments out of the postgraduate coursework programs.
Please have a look at Single Subject Enrolments for more information.


Membership of the Department's Alumni Association is free. Graduates are encouraged to keep in touch by by email to or c/- Dept of Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering, PO Box 35, Monash University, 3800,Vic. Australia.

The Alumni Newsletters

Monelec Alumni News is an occasional publication of the department, designed to inform past graduates of news of the department and of other graduates. Newsletter Editor, Bill Brown, would be delighted to hear news of past graduates for future editions of the newsletter. He may be contacted by email.

  • Issue 10 June 2005 in PDF 240kb MS Word 340kb
  • Issue 11 June 2006 in PDF 28kbMS Word 34kb