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Computer Systems EngineeringThis research falls into two broad categories: Computer Architecture, which is concerned with the design, programming and techniques for the application of high performance computer systems. These systems increasingly involve parallel computer systems which require a balance of skills in machine organisation, programming and application domains for their effective use. The group has a number of collaborative linkages some of which include University of Adelaide, Manchester University, Osaka University, Lawrence Livermore National Laborato ries and Colorado State University. Topics under study include:
Intelligent Robotics - which is involved in a number of related research projects concerning sensor, computational and mechatronic support for controlling both robotic manipulators and automated guided vehicles (mobile robots). These projects cover such topics as:
FacilitiesWithin the ECSE department's dedicated server rack in B35/105 is a small linux based computing cluster The "Pizzeria" that can be used for research, simulation, development and preparation of software to run on the larger high performance computing systems that are available to postgraduate students and researchers. Academics, researchers and postgraduate scholars have access to the Monash Sun Grid (MSG) high performance compute facility. Alternative high performance computing facilities are the Victorian Partnerships for Advanced Computing VPAC and NCI (Previously APAC) facilities. There is also the Engineering teaching pc lab cluster BC727 . This beowulf cluster utilizes the machines in the student labs during the times when the labs are closed. Generally it has about 90 nodes available overnight. |